Thursday, March 5, 2009

Will Congress Listen - What is the American Standard???

I am fed up the "American Standard" Listen UP!

Hospitals are not cleaning to the Standard -Who decides if the hospital is clean?????
Well in my state and most their is NO governing authority to make them report other than
by survey methods. Well listen up the public needs to do a better job reporting by survey, writing, email & telephone calls.

Standards don't specify how rooms should be cleaned or what bacterial levels are unacceptable.
So how is the world are they going to measure "Infection Rates" ???

I believe from my personal experience - I expect a CLEAN, STERILE Room during my stay at the hospital to be VITAL part of my patient care. Its NOT everyone standard of care.
Its just NOT acceptable to me -What do you think????

The CDC claims that 1.7 million people contract infections in U.S. hospitals each year.

Together we can make a difference!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How much are you WORTH.......Health care for PROFIT!

This week, the new administration convenes a national summit about our nation's long overdue investment in health care -- an investment that will lead to new jobs, new industries, and a renewed ability to compete with the rest of the world.

Because we've let a broken system founder, we each spend more than ever for health coverage, and get less for it. While giant health insurance companies pay their CEOs huge bonuses and rake in fat profits -- about $13 billion last year -- we get nickel-and-dimed for every treatment. Small businesses struggle to survive.

If we keep letting the big insurance companies run the show, our health care system will remain, like Wall Street, broke and unreliable.
Tell your lawmakers to come together now and make the long overdue investment in affordable health choices.

This week's summit is a bipartisan first step towards fixing our economy by fixing our health care system. Join millions of other Americans today -- part of a national coordinated action -- to tell Congress to give us relief from unaffordable health care costs and unreliable insurance coverage.

As unemployment hits new highs, each layoff from those companies that offer insurance means another family without coverage. Small businesses which create two thirds of all new jobs are getting hammered by health care costs, further dragging down our economy. And the millions of Americans who work hard and still have insurance end up paying more for care because others can’t afford to pay at all.

Tell Congress to get our economy moving by taking the worry out of health coverage.

If we want to put people before profit in these hard times, then we need new health care options, and we need to ask for it right now. Your voice, joined by millions of others TODAY, can let our leaders know we won’t stand by any longer while the big insurance companies dictate our health care and costs. So HOW MUCH ARE YOU WORTH? Please take action.....

Monday, March 2, 2009

My new BFF Gov. Kathleen Sebelius going to the White House

AP – President Barack Obama introduces Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius as his nominee for Health and Human Services ...

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama's choice to lead the Health and Human Services Department has a history of bucking the insurance industry, which faces the biggest hit under Obama's initial health care reform plan.
Visit the white house blog -

****Governor Sebelius is going to be the woman to watch & make monumental changes in policy & government in 2009 upon her confirmation. I am very excited to see her in action.
Just my personal prediction to influence health care and close the gap on insurance for the nation. I told you so. Best wishes, Kacia Warren