Thursday, February 5, 2009

Legal Representation - Deadline April 2009

The statute of liamitations are about to expire April 22, 2009 for a wrongful death claim.

After careful consideration and review, I have been declined by 16 law firms for the
"Alleged Medical malpractice incident of the death of my mother, Laura Ruth Burns"

Do you call death in 17 days - "Alleged"
or Everyone is employed by "Ohio Health" we won't point the finger in the circle of PROFIT.

or better yet - Let's tell congress to change the LAW in OHIO -make a change

Twenty five states have led the way with laws to give their citizens this important patient safety information and four states have passed MRSA screening laws. It's time for Congress to join this national movement to prevent the spread of infections in our hospitals and communities.

Go to:

Fill in the blanks to make a difference in OHIO

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I completly agree with everything you have to say so not u have another person on your side i work with 3 people in my nursing home with acinetobactor and im fed up one guy was taken off isolation for 3 days and we had to take care of him off of isolation so i am also fed up.!!!!!!!!!!!!